Fillable Form Canadian Passport Renewal

Form PPTC 055, Adult Simplified Renewal Passport Application for Eligible Canadians Applying in Canada or the USA, or commonly known as the Canadian Passport Renewal Form, is used by eligible Canadians applying for a U.S. passport renewal in Canada or from the USA.

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What is the Canadian Passport Renewal Form?

Form PPTC 055, Adult Simplified Renewal Passport Application for Eligible Canadians Applying in Canada or the USA, or commonly known as the Canadian Passport Renewal Form, is a document used to renew a Canadian passport.


You may use the Canadian Passport Renewal Form if:

  • you were age 16 or above when your previous passport was issued;
  • the information on your Canadian Passport Renewal Form matches with the information on page two of your previous passport; and
  • your previous passport is valid or expired for no more than a year, undamaged, and was never reported lost or stolen.
  • If your previous passport or the passport you want to renew is reported lost or stolen, or you have changed your name since it was issued, you must apply for a new passport.


    How to fill out the Canadian Passport Renewal Form?

    When you fill out the Canadian Passport Renewal Form, be as accurate as possible. If you make an error on your passport renewal application, it may result in a delay in receiving your passport.


    Anticipated Date of Travel

    Enter the date of your travel. If unknown, mark “Unknown.”


    Section 1. Personal Information

    Enter your personal information as it appears on your previous valid passport.


    Surname (last name) as it appears in the previous passport

    Enter your surname.


    Given name(s) as it appears in the previous passport

    Enter your given or first name.


    All former surnames (including surname at birth if different from above. These will not appear in the passport.)

    Enter your former surnames if you had a name change due to divorce, marriage, or adoption.


    Mother's maiden name

    Enter your mother's maiden name.


    Place of birth

    Enter the city, country, province, territory, and state where you were born. If you do not want to include your place of birth on your passport, file Form PPTC 077, Request for a Canadian Passport Without Place of Birth.


    Date of birth as it appears in the previous passport

    Enter your date of birth.


    Sex as it appears in the previous passport

    Enter your sex.


    Natural eye colour

    Enter your natural eye color.


    Height (cm/in)

    Enter your height in centimeters or inches.


    Current home address

    Enter the number, street, apartment number, city, province, territory, state, and postal ZIP code where you reside.


    Mailing address (if different from current home address)

    Enter your mailing address if it is different from your current home address.


    Telephone (daytime)

    Enter your daytime telephone number.


    Telephone (other)

    Enter another telephone number in case your daytime telephone number is out of reach.


    Email address

    Enter your email address.



    Enter your signature.



    Enter the date you signed the Canadian Passport Renewal Form.


    Signed at

    Enter the city, province, territory, and state where you signed the Canadian Passport Renewal Form.


    Section 2. Previous Canadian Passport

    Enter information about your previous Canadian passport that is not expired or expired for less than a year.


    Passport number

    Enter your expired or previous passport number.


    Date of issue

    Enter the date when your previous passport was issued.


    Date of expiry

    Enter the expiration date of your previous passport.


    Would you like the previous passport to be cancelled and returned to you?

    Yes, please return it to me. If this box is not checked, the passport will not be returned and will be securely destroyed.

    Mark the box if you want your previous passport to be returned to you. Otherwise, it will be securely destroyed.


    Section 3. Canadian Citizenship

    Enter information about your Canadian citizenship if you were born outside of Canada between February 15, 1977, and April 16, 1981, inclusive.


    a) Are you a naturalized Canadian, i.e. did you receive Canadian citizenship following immigration to Canada?

    Mark "Yes" if you are a naturalized Canadian or received Canadian citizenship following immigration to Canada. Then, go to page two of your Canadian Passport Renewal Form. If not, mark "No" and continue to question B.


    b) Was one of your parents born in Canada?

    Mark "Yes" if one of your parents was born in Canada. Then go to page two of your Canadian Passport Renewal Form. If not, mark "No" and continue to question C.


    c) When was your current certificate of Canadian citizenship issued?

    After January 1, 2007

    Mark the box if your current certificate of Canadian citizenship was issued after January 1, 2007. If so, you need to submit the original copy of your certificate of Canadian citizenship with your passport application.


    Before January 1, 2007

    Mark the box if your current certificate of Canadian citizenship was issued before January 1, 2007. If so, you need to file Form PPTC 001, Proof of Canadian Citizenship, with your passport application.


    Section 4. Period of Validity

    Choose one (1) of the following periods of validity:

    Mark the period of validity for your passport. You may choose from 5-year or 10-year.


    The five-year validity passport costs:

  • $120 if you submit your passport application in Canada, and you want your passport to be delivered to Canada; or
  • $190 if you made your passport application in the United States, and you want your Canadian passport to be delivered to the United States.
  • The ten-year validity passport costs:

  • $160 if you submit your passport application in Canada, and you want your passport to be delivered to Canada; or
  • $260 if you made your passport application in the United States, and you want your Canadian passport to be delivered to the United States.

    Section 5. Additional Personal Information

    Enter additional personal information.


    A. Address in the two last two (2) years

    Mark "Same as current home address" if your home address for the past two years is your current home address. Otherwise, mark "Different from current home address (complete below)" and enter details about the home address.


    (Number, Street, Apartment, City, Province/Territory/State, Country, Postal/ZIP code)

    Enter the home number, street, apartment, city, province, territory, state, country, and postal or ZIP code where you lived for the past two years.



    Enter the year and month you moved to the home address you listed.



    Enter the year and month you moved out from the home address you listed.


    B. Occupation in the last two (2) years (check all that apply)

    Mark any of the applicable boxes below for your occupation in the last two years. You may choose from:

  • I was employed (full-or part-time)
  • I was in school (full- or part-time)
  • Other, e.g. homemaker, unemployed or retired

    Enter full details below for the last two (2) years:


    Employer, school or other

    Enter the name of your employer, school or, other entity that hired you for the last two years.



    Enter the address of your employer or school for the last two years.


    Telephone (daytime)

    Enter the daytime telephone number of your employer or school for the last two years.


    Field of employment or studies

    Enter your field of employment or studies for the last two years.


    Date (from)

    Enter the starting date of your employment or school admission.


    Date (to)

    Enter the date you left your job or school.


    Section 6. References

    Have two persons fill out Section 6 for reference. They must:

  • be unrelated to you by blood;
  • be age 18 or above; and
  • know you for at least two years.

    1 and 2. Surname (last name)

    Enter your surname.


    Given name(s)

    Enter your given or first name.


    Relationship to the applicant

    Enter your relationship with the passport applicant.


    Address (Number, Street, Apartment, City, Province/Territory/State, Country, Postal/ZIP code)

    Enter your home address.


    Telephone (daytime)

    Enter your daytime telephone number.


    Telephone (other)

    Enter another telephone number where you can be contacted.


    Email address

    Enter your email address.


    Has known me for

    Enter the number of years you have known the passport applicant.


    Section 7. Emergency Contact Information

    Although this section is optional, you may enter your emergency contact information in case you require emergency assistance outside of Canada.



    Enter the surname of the person to contact in case of an emergency.


    Given name(s)

    Enter the given or first name of the person to contact in case of an emergency.


    Relationship to the applicant

    Enter the person to contact in case of an emergency's relationship with the passport applicant.


    Telephone (daytime)

    Enter the daytime telephone number of the person to contact in case of an emergency.


    Telephone (other)

    Enter another telephone number of the person to contact in case of an emergency.


    Email address

    Enter the email address of the person to contact in case of an emergency.


    Current home address

    Enter the current home address of the person to contact in case of an emergency.


    Signature of applicant

    Enter your signature.



    Enter the date you signed the Canadian Passport Renewal Form.


    Section D. Credit Card Information

    Enter your payment method to process your passport application if you apply by mail.


    Card type:

    Mark your card type. You may choose from:

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express

    Name as it appears on card

    Enter your account name.


    Card number

    Enter your card number.


    Date of expiry

    Enter the date your card will expire.


    Name of Applicant

    Enter your name.



    Enter the amount if you authorize the Passport Program to charge your passport fees to your credit card.


    Signature of cardholder

    Enter your signature.



    Enter the date you signed the Canadian Passport Renewal Form.

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