Fillable Form FD 258 Fingerprint Card

FD 258 Fingerprint Card is known as a Applicant Fingerprint Form used by individuals applying for criminal justice positions as a civil submissions to the FBI.

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What is the FD-258 Form?


FD-258 form, also known as Applicant Fingerprint Form, is used for civil submissions to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) pertaining to individuals applying for criminal justice positions. 


How to fill out the FD-258 Form?


Applicant Fingerprint Form FD-258 requires little to no instructions since it’s a simple form. Ensure that the data you entered is within the designated fields only and leave the fields with “Leave Blank” labels blank.


Last Name 


Enter your last name on the space provided.


First Name 


Enter your first name on the space provided.


Middle Name 


Enter your middle name on the space provided. If initial only, list the initial and put “IO”; if no middle name put “NMN”.


Aliases AKA


Enter the aliases or aka.  List any names used including names that are different from the name in the “NAM” block. Also list the maiden name and all previous married names of females, if applicable.


Signature of Person Fingerprinted


Provide the signature of the person fingerprinted.


Residence of Person Fingerprinted


Provide the residence of a person fingerprinted.




Enter the date that you signed the form.


Signature of Official Taking Fingerprints 


Enter the signature of the official taking fingerprints.


Employer and Address


Enter the employer and address.


Reason fingerprinted


Enter the reason fingerprinted.




Enter your citizenship on the space provided. Use the correct abbreviation for the foreign country or correctly spell the name of the country.


Your Number


Enter your number on the space provided.


Universal Control Number 


Enter your universal control number.


Armed Forces Number


Enter your armed forces number on the space provided.


Social Security Number


Enter your SSN on the space provided.


Miscellaneous Number


Enter your miscellaneous number on the space provided.




Leave this field blank.


Date of Birth


Enter your date of birth on the space provided.




Enter your sex on the space provided. Choose from the following sex codes:


“F” - Female 


“G”- Female Print, Male Reference 


“M”- Male 


“N”- Male Print, Female Reference 


“Y”- Male, Unreported 


“Z”- Female, Unreported 


“X”- Unknown Sex 




Enter your race on the space provided. Choose from the following race codes:


“A”- Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Korean, Polynesian, Indian, Indonesian, Asian Indian, Samoan, or other Pacific Islander 


“B”- If you have origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa 


“I”-  American Indian or Alaskan Native American Indian, Eskimo, or Alaskan Native, or a person having origins in any of the 48 contiguous states of the United States or Alaska who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition


“U”- Unknown of indeterminable race 


“W”- White Caucasian, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race




Enter your height on the space provided.




Enter your weight on the space provided.




Enter your eye color on the space provided. Choose from the following codes:


“BLK”- Black


“BLU”- Blue 


“BRO”- Brown 


“GRY”- Gray 


“GRN”- Green 


“HAZ”- Hazel 


“MAR”- Maroon 




Enter your hair color on the space provided.


“BLD”- Bald 


“BLK”- Black 


“BLN”- Blonde or Strawberry 


“BLU”- Blue 














“RED”-Red or auburn






“XXX”- Unknown 


Place of Birth


Enter your place of birth.


Fingerprint Impression Blocks


Stamp your fingerprints on the respective blocks.



  • R Thumb
  • R Index 
  • R Middle
  • R Ring
  • R Little 
  • L Thumb
  • L Index
  • L Middle
  • L Ring
  • L Little



    Left four fingers taken simultaneously 


    L Thumb


    R Thumb


    Right four fingers taken simultaneously




    You may submit digital fingerprints electronically. Fingerprints taken digitally and transmitted electronically are usually processed the same day, and the FBI Fingerprint Report is normally received within ten (10) calendar days. 


    For hard copy of the form, it shall be forwarded to the respective department. 



  • If you will submit a hard copy of the form, do not bend or fold it.
  • Hard copy fingerprints that are mailed will take at least one (1) to two (2) weeks longer than fingerprints transmitted electronically. This additional time should be taken into consideration when choosing to mail hard-copy fingerprints instead of prints being transmitted electronically.
  • Ensure that the fingerprint impressions are on the correct field.
  • The current version of this file card contains the full Privacy Act Statement, as required by the FBI. Older versions of the card, which may mention the Privacy Act of 1974 but do not contain the full section with the heading "Privacy Act Statement," are no longer acceptable.
  • If you have your fingerprints taken at the Criminal Background Check Program (CBCP) office, you will not need to submit a fingerprint card.
  • If you have your fingerprints taken anywhere other than the CBCP office, you must submit them to the CBCP on an official FD-258 card containing the full Privacy Act Statement on the back.
  • If the FD-258 is not filled out correctly or if the fingerprints are “Unclassifiable” due to the quality of the fingerprints, etc., the processing center will reject the fingerprints and new Fingerprint Cards will have to be submitted.
  • On the fingerprint impression blocks, indicate amputated fingers, tip-amputated, transplanted toes/fingers, missing at birth, deformed, bandaged, scars, etc., in the appropriate finger block(s) if applicable.
  • For the paper or electronic fingerprints, submissions may also be rejected for the following reasons:  
    — Missing or invalid required data
    — Incomplete descriptive data such as the name not shown at top of card
    — No attempt to print deformed or scarred fingers in both rolled and plain impression blocks> 
    — More than one fingerprint impression per block 
    — Improperly rolled or poor quality fingerprints 
    — Out of sequence fingerprints
    — Finger(s) missing due to amputation and not noted as “AMP” or “XX” in fingerprint block
    — Missing fingerprints with no reason given
  • For the submission of paper fingerprints, make sure to meet the specific criteria to be converted into an electronic format and processed. The following may cause a delay in processing:  poor penmanship, use of highlighter in the entry block, entry not within boundaries of the entry block, labels or stray marks applied to “Leave Blank” areas, use of an incorrect fingerprint card (other than FD-258), or use of pencil or ink other than blue or black.


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