Fillable Form Rhode Island Change of Address

Rhode Island Change of Address is used to change address records of driver license or vehicle registration of Rhode Island residents.

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What is the Rhode Island Change of Address Form?

Form 4DMV, Change of Address Notice, or also referred to as the Rhode Island Change of Address Form, is a form by the Division of Motor Vehicles in the state of Rhode Island.


Just like in all other states, if you move to or within Rhode Island, you need to update your address with the state’s DMV to officially settle in as a resident. Updating your address would change the address on your driver’s license and your vehicle registration. Moreover, the DMV keeps only one physical and one mailing address per individual.


You must take care of all the paperwork related to changing your address as soon as you move, as doing so is beneficial if you are going to be driving within the state or applying for jobs. You have 10 days to notify the DMV of any change of address, as required by the law.


How to fill out the Rhode Island Change of Address Form?

The Rhode Island Change of Address Form is a single-page document that requires your personal and driver-related information. It is straightforward and therefore requires that you answer all the items accurately and correctly, avoiding committing any errors that might cause problems in your records.


Do not deliberately enter any false information. Doing so may result in penalties and imprisonment. If you have concerns about filling out the Rhode Island Change of Address form, you may contact 401-462-4368.


Submitting the Rhode Island Change of Address Form would not cause the DMV to issue you a new driver’s license or identification card. If you want to receive a new driver’s license or identification card after updating your record, you must submit an application and pay the applicable fees.


License/ID Number/CID

Enter your driver’s license, identification, or client identification number.



Enter your Plate Type and Plate Number in their respective boxes.


Disability Placard Number

Enter your disability placard number, if applicable.


Date of Birth

Enter the Month, Day, and Year of your birthday.


Full Name

Enter your First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name, in their respective boxes.


If Registration in Name of Company or Corporation

Enter the corporation name as it appears on the vehicle registration if the registration is under the name of a company or corporation.


Old Residence Address

Enter the Street and Number, City or Town, and ZIP code of your old residence address.


New Residence Address

Enter the Street and Number, City or Town, and ZIP code of your new residence address. Take note that your new address must be an address in the state of Rhode Island and you cannot use a postal address.


New Mailing Address

Enter the Street and Number, City or Town, and ZIP code of your new mailing address. Only answer this section if your mailing address is different from your residence address.


Tax Town

Enter your tax town, if it is different from your new residence’s city or town.


According to the DMV, if you have a vehicle that is customarily kept or garaged at an address other than your residence address, you must complete and return the Affidavit for Tax Situs. You may find the Affidavit for Tax Situs at the official Rhode Island DMV website, under the Registration Forms tab.


Telephone Number

Enter your home phone, cell phone, or business phone number. The Rhode Island DMV will use the contact number you will provide to get in touch with you if your application is incomplete or has problems.


Email Address

Enter your active email address.


Mark the “Do not update my voter registration address” box if you do not wish to change your voter registration address. If you are registered to vote in Rhode Island, the DMV will use your residence address to update where you are registered to vote.


Signature in Full

Affix your signature. By signing, you declare under penalty of perjury that all the information you have provided on the Rhode Island Change of Address Form is true and complete.



Enter the date when you signed the form.


Where to submit the Rhode Island Change of Address Form?

Mail your application to the following address:

State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations

Division of Motor Vehicles

600 New London Avenue

Cranston, RI 02920-3024

Attention: Change of Address


Important Notes:


Other methods to update your address:

  • You can update your address by visiting the official Rhode Island Change of Address system and provide all the information required. You will need your driver’s license and vehicle registration.

  • You can change your address in person by going to the nearest DMV office and submitting the Rhode Island Change of Address Form.


    Application fees:

  • Updating your address is free.


    Receiving updated registrations:

  • You will not receive any updated registrations. If you wish to obtain a new copy of your registration that shows your new address, you need to file Form TR-1, Application for Registration and Title Certificate, and pay the applicable fees.


    Moving from another state:

    You will not use the Rhode Island Change of Address Form, as you will need to apply for a new driver’s license. Use Form LI-1, Application for License, Identification Card, and Permit; submit all the required application documents, including proof of identity, proof of residency, proof of social security, and your current out-of-state driver’s license; and pay the appropriate fees.

    You may be asked to get a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) check if the model year of your out-of-state vehicle is 2001 or newer.


    When you visit a local DMV, you will need to bring the following requirements:

  • Completed Form TR-1, Application for Registration and Title Certificate

  • Completed Tax Exemption Certificate

  • Completed Sales Tax Exemption Affidavit

  • Proof of Rhode Island car insurance

  • The original title for car models 2001 and newer

  • Rhode Island driver’s license

  • Proof of ownership — Only applicable for non-titled vehicles

  • Power of attorney — Only applicable for leased vehicles

  • VIN check documentation — Required in some cases


    The law allows you to update your information at any DMV office in Rhode Island.


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