Fillable Form Wisconsin Drivers License Renewal (MV3001)

Driver License Renewal in Wisconsin is used by any individual older than 18 can use this form and pay the fee and pass a written test with a road test to the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Form Wisconsin Drivers License Renewal (MV3001) Image
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What is the Wisconsin Driver’s License Renewal Form?

Form MV3001, Wisconsin Driver License (DL) Application, or also referred to as the Wisconsin Driver’s License Renewal Form, is a state-level form issued by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. It is used to renew an expired or expiring driver’s license in the state of Wisconsin.


Aside from its use as a renewal document, the Wisconsin Driver’s License Renewal Form is also used by the residents of the state of Massachusetts to apply for an original or duplicate driver’s license, instruction permit, or occupational license.


Where to get the Wisconsin Driver’s License Renewal Form?

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation provides a blank copy of the Wisconsin Driver’s License Renewal Form. You may also visit the official Wisconsin Department of Transportation website to download and print a copy that you can fill out manually. Alternatively and for your convenience, you may electronically fill out the Wisconsin Driver’s License Renewal Form on PDFQuick.


How to fill out the Wisconsin Driver’s License Renewal Form?

To fill out the Wisconsin Driver’s License Renewal Form, you will need to provide your personal information and answer driving-related questions.


The Wisconsin Driver’s License Renewal Form is a three-page document. You must answer all the questions that apply to you. The first page contains short instructions and reminders. The second page also contains short instructions and reminders as well as fillable fields that you need to answer. The third page contains fillable fields that you need to complete.


Answer the fields that apply to you accurately and truthfully to avoid any problems and delays with your application to renew your state identification document. You must not deliberately provide any false information as doing so is unlawful and may result in penalties and imprisonment.


Commercial Driver License Applicant Only

Answer these yes-or-no questions only if you are applying for a commercial driver’s license.



  • If you are applying for a HAZMAT endorsement (HME), complete Driver License Hazardous Materials Endorsement Application, Form MV3735.

  • If you are applying for a school bus endorsement, complete School Bus or Alternative Vehicle License Information Request, Form MV3740.


    Item 1

    Mark YES if in the past 5 years you had a loss of consciousness or muscle control caused by a neurological condition, for example, seizure disorder. Otherwise, mark NO.


    Item 2

    Mark YES if in the past 2 years you have taken insulin to control a diabetic condition. Otherwise, mark NO.


    Item 3

    Mark YES if in the past 2 years you have taken oral medication to control a diabetic condition. Otherwise, mark NO.


    Item 4

    Mark YES if your hearing is impaired (hard of hearing). Otherwise, mark NO.


    Item 5

    Mark YES if you held a valid operator's license in the last 10 years from any jurisdiction (state) other than Wisconsin. Otherwise, mark NO.

    If yes answered YES, list all the states where you’ve held a valid operator’s license.


    Item 6

    Mark YES if the vehicle you will be operating is equipped with air brakes. Otherwise, mark NO.


    Item 7

    Mark YES if you meet all the driver qualifications as required by 49 CFR 391 to operate a commercial vehicle.

    If not, see the Motor Carrier Safety FAQs in the Wisconsin Commercial Driver’s Manual.


    Item 8

    For School Bus, CDL Instructional Permit, and New CDL Class/Endorsement Applicants.

    Mark YES if the vehicle in which you will take the commercial driver license skills test representative of the type of vehicle you will operate or intend to operate. Otherwise, Mark NO.


    Item 9

    School Bus Applicants Only.

    Mark YES if you have been convicted of an offense identified on School Bus or Alternative Vehicle License Information Request, form MV3740 in Wisconsin or any other jurisdiction?

    If you answered YES, list the date and place of conviction.


    Driver’s License Applicant Under Age 18 Only

    Applicant Certification

    Affix your signature to certify that you have not been ticketed for a moving violation that has or may result in a conviction.


    School Certification

    Enter your school ID number and School Name to certify that you enrolled in an approved behind-the-wheel training which will begin no late than 60 days from the date signed.


    Official WisDOT Test Result

    This section is to be filled out by an authorized school official or instruction.


    Mark PASS if the applicant passed the Knowledge Test. Otherwise, mark FAIL.

    Mark PASS if the applicant passed the Highway Sign Test. Otherwise, mark FAIL.


    Authorized School Official/Instructor Signature

    Affix your signature.


    Date Signed

    Enter the date you signed the form.


    Sponsor Certification

    This section is to be filled out by an adult sponsor.


    Minor Name

    Enter the minor applicant’s name in print.


    Sponsor Name

    Enter your name in print.


    Relationship to Applicant

    Enter your relationship with the applicant.


    Sponsor Wisconsin DL/ID Number

    Enter your Wisconsin driver’s license or identification number.



    Enter your gender.


    Birth Date

    Enter your date of birth in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy.


    Sponsor Signature

    Affix your signature. The signature must be witnessed by a DMV agent or notarized.


    State of Wisconson County

    Enter the country where it was witnessed or notarized.


    Subscribed and sworn to before on this date

    Enter the date it was witnessed or notarized.


    DMV Authorized Agent or Notary Signature

    The DMV authorized agent or notary signs this field.


    My Commission Expires

    Enter the expiration date of the notary’s commission.


    All Applicants

    Social Security Number

    Enter your nine-digit, unique Social Security Number (SSN).


    Applicant Name

    Enter your full name in this format: First name, middle name, and last name.


    Birth Date

    Enter your date of birth in this format: mm/dd/yyyy.


    Residence Address

    Enter your full residence address, including Street, Apt #, City, State, ZIP code, and County of Residence.


    Mailing Address

    Enter your full mailing address if different from your residence address, including Street, Apt #, City, State, ZIP code, and County of Residence.



    Enter your gender.



    Enter your race.



    Enter the natural color of your eyes.



    Enter your natural hair color.



    Enter your weight.



    Enter your height.


    Former Name

    Enter the name you used if you have changed your name since your last license or identification card.


    Reason for Name Change

    Mark the appropriate box to determine the reason for the name change. You may select:

  • Marriage

  • Divorce

  • Other — Enter the reason.


    Item 1

    Mark YES if you wish to register to be an organ, tissue, and eye donor.


    Item 2

    Mark YES if you wish to have your name and address withheld from lists WisDOT sells.


    Item 3

    Mark YES if you are a veteran registered with WDVA and wish to have your veteran status indicated on your driver’s license.


    Item 4

    Mark YES if your license, ID card, or operating privilege has ever been revoked, suspended, canceled, disqualified, or denied. Otherwise, mark NO. If yes, enter the date and place.


    Item 5

    Mark YES if you have been convicted of operating while intoxicated outside of Wisconsin. Otherwise, mark NO. If yes, enter the date and place.


    Item 6

    Mark YES if you hold a valid driver’s license/identification card from another state/country. If yes, indicate the state. Then, list the years of licensed driving experience in the United States, its territories, and Canada.


    Item 7

    Mark YES if you need glasses or contact lenses for driving. Otherwise, mark NO.


    Item 8

    Mark YES if you are missing a limb. Otherwise, mark NO. If yes, mark YES if you have successfully passed a road test with this condition. Otherwise, mark NO.


    Item 9

    Mark YES if in the past year you have had a loss of consciousness or muscle control caused by any of the following conditions listed. Otherwise, mark NO. If yes, mark the appropriate box to determine the condition and list the dates. For the conditions, you may select:

  • Traumatic Brain or Head Injury

  • Stroke

  • Muscle or Nerve

  • Mental

  • Seizure Disorder

  • Diabetes

  • Heart

  • Lung


    Item 10

    Mark only one of the following three boxes to certify your type of residency. You may select:

  • U.S. Citizen

  • Permanent or Conditional Permanent Resident

  • Temporary Visitor


    Item 11

    Mark YES if you will donate $2 to organ, tissue, and eye donation efforts.


    Applicant Signature

    Affix your signature.



    Enter the date you signed the form.


    Table of Contents