Fillable Form Texas DMV Change of Address
The Texas DMV Change of Address (DL-64) Form is used to change the information currently present in your driver's license or ID card, renew your driver's license or ID card, or replace a card that was lost or stolen.
What is the Texas Change of Address form?
Form DL-64, Application for Change of Address on Valid Texas Driver License (DL) & Identification Card (ID), or also commonly referred to as the Texas Change of Address form, is a state-level form by the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) that residents of the state of Texas use to change and correct the address printed on their current non-commercial driver’s license and identification card.
You must change your address in your non-commercial driver’s license and identification card when you move to Texas from another state to keep the information on your records up to date. Updating your address also helps you register your vehicle in your new place. In most states, failure to register vehicles or update vehicle-related information may lead to fines or imprisonment.
Where to get the Texas Change of Address form?
You may get a copy of a Texas Change of Address form from the Texas DMV. The form is also available at the Texas DMV’s official website. For your convenience, you may electronically fill it out on PDFQuick.
How to fill out the Texas Change of Address form?
The Texas Change of Address form is a two-page document that requires personal and driving-related information. Answer all the questions accurately and correctly to avoid any problems with your application. Moreover, do not deliberately provide any false or misleading information. Doing so is punishable by law resulting in penalties and imprisonment.
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Driver License Number
Enter your driver’s license number.
Expiration Date
Enter the expiration date of your driver’s license in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY.
Social Security Number
Enter your nine-digit Social Security Number (SSN).
ID Card Number
Enter your identification card number.
Date of Birth
Enter your date of birth in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY.
Enter your suffix.
Last Name
Enter your last name.
First Name
Enter your first name.
Enter your middle name. If you are married, enter your maiden name.
Enter your residence street address. Do not put a post office box address.
Enter your current city of residence.
Enter your county of residence.
Enter the abbreviation of your state of residence.
Zip Code
Enter the ZIP code of your current address of residence.
Do you want to support the Glenda Dawson Donate Life Texas donor registry?
Mark YES if you want to support the Glenda Dawson Donate Life Texas donor registry; otherwise, mark NO. If YES, enter a donation amount of $1 or more.
Would you like to register as an organ donor?
Mark YES if you like to register as an organ donor; otherwise, mark NO.
Enter your mailing address
Street Address
Enter your mailing street address.
Enter the city of your mailing address.
Enter the county of your mailing address.
Enter the abbreviation of your state mailing address.
Zip Code
Enter the ZIP code of your mailing address.
If you are a U.S. Citizen, would you like to register to vote? If registered, would you like to update your voter information?
Mark YES if you are a U.S. citizen who would like to register or wants to update your voter information if you are already registered; otherwise, mark NO.
Enter the date.
Affix your signature.
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Signature of Applicant
Affix your signature if you solemnly swear, affirm, or certify that you are the person named in the form and that the statements on your application are true and correct. Then, mark the appropriate box to determine the type of your resident address. You may select:
Enter the date when you signed the form.
Emergency contacts
Enter the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the emergency contacts to be contacted in the event of injury or death. This item is optional. Nevertheless, if you choose to provide emergency contacts, make sure their contact details are updated.
Important instructions:
What is the United States Selective Service System?
The United States Selective Service System is a U.S. government agency that regulates the information of people subject to military conscription. Any male U.S. citizen or immigrant who is at least 18 years of age but less than 26 years of age submitting this application consents to the registration with the United States Selective Service System. Once registered, you are qualified for federal student aid, job training, federal employment, and citizenship if an immigrant.
In Texas, you must be registered to qualify for state college student aid or state employment. Failure to register with the Selective Service, when convicted, is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison and/or a $250,000 fine.
If not registered by age 26, you can no longer register and could permanently lose those benefits associated with registration. For alternative options for applications who object to conventional military service for religious and other conscientious reasons information is available at the Selective Service System’s official website.